On Sun Dec 11 2011 David Engster wrote:
> I've changed the buildbot to use your new autoconf setup. However, it
> seems 'make clean' does not remove the autoloads, so it refuses to
> compile it. Once that is done, the buildbot should hopefully build fine
> again.

>From my previous mail:

  To match common naming conventions the autogenerated file
  bbdb-autoloads.el has been renamed to bbdb-loaddefs.el. This is now
  the file you need to load in your init file to make BBDB known to
  your emacs. To avoid unexpected confusion, `make' throws an error if
  it finds an old file bbdb-autoloads.el.

I thought deleting these files automatically would be not a good
solution because the user really needs to update the init file.
Otherwise you keep using the old, outdated file bbdb-autoloads.el
and you might get fooled at some point.


Learn Windows Azure Live!  Tuesday, Dec 13, 2011
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