"Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> wrote:

> On Sat Jan 14 2012 Ivan Kanis wrote:
>> A trivial patch to recover the key ";" behavior of the old bbdb. I
>> use it often.

> So I am tempted to say that anyone needing such a command (or any
> other command bbdb-record-edit-foo) can write it for him- or herself
> and put it in the init field.

Do you mean that people should add code to their customization? It takes
a bit of knowledge to figure it out.

> I'd be more interested in a more generic approach that works not only
> for a particular field (without moving point on that field as required
> by bbdb-edit-field).

I am not sure I understand the specification. Would it be a function
that prompts for a field? How would it make ";" work again?

Take care,
Ivan Kanis

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