13" mba (and various other platforms)
macos 10.7.4
emacs i386-apple-darwin9.8.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0
wanderlust 2.15.9
bbdb 2.35

when i have kanji in a name and then save the .bbdb, i end up with \mush
in the file and lose the kanji.  i tried saving in mule,
iso-this-and-that, etc.  no love.  same problem for extended latin

it is likely my fault, as i seem to have accumulated an amazing amount
of bbdb cruft.


(require 'bbdb-wl)
;; enable pop-ups
(setq bbdb-use-pop-up nil)
;; auto collection
(setq bbdb/mail-auto-create-p nil)
;; exceptional folders against auto collection
(setq bbdb-wl-ignore-folder-regexp "^@")
(setq signature-use-bbdb t)
(setq bbdb-north-american-phone-numbers-p nil)
;; shows the name of bbdb in the summary :-)
(setq wl-summary-from-function 'bbdb-wl-from-func)
;; print full names as much as possible
(setq bbdb-dwim-net-address-allow-redundancy t)

;; bbdb gather from message send addresses
(defun zzz-bbdb-mail-send-function ()
   (delete-if (lambda (item)
                (string= "" (caaddr item)))
              (bbdb-wl-get-addresses bbdb-get-only-first-address-p))
   t t))
(add-hook 'mail-send-hook 'zzz-bbdb-mail-send-function)

; canonicalize bbdb names
; Len Trigg <lenbok+mlb...@gmail.com>
(defun zzz-bbdb-canonicalize-name-hook (name)
  "Function used to canonicalize the full names of bbdb entries."
    ;; strip extra quotes (Some MS mailer likes "'full name'")
    ((string-match "\\`[`'\"]\\(.*\\)[`'\"]\\'" name)
     (bbdb-match-substring name 1))
    ;; replace multiple whitespace with single
    ((string-match "[ \f\t\n\r\v]\\{2,\\}" name)
     (replace-match " " nil t name))
    ;; remove anything in round brackets, e.g.: "Firstname Surname (E-mail)"
    ((string-match "[ ]+(.*)" name)
     (replace-match "" nil t name))
    ;; strip leading whitespace (this is a bug in std11 libs?)
    ((string-match "\\`[ \t]+\\(.*\\)" name)
     (bbdb-match-substring name 1))
    ;; strip trailing whitespace
    ((string-match "\\(.*\\)[ ]+\\'" name)
     (bbdb-match-substring name 1))
    ;; strip Dr pronoun
    ((string-match "\\`Dr\\.? \\(.*\\)" name)
     (bbdb-match-substring name 1))
    ;; person and person -> person & person
    ((string-match "\\`\\(\\w+\\) and \\(\\w.+\\)\\'" name)
     (concat (bbdb-match-substring name 1) " & " (bbdb-match-substring name 2)))
    ;; Surname, Firstname -> Firstname Surname
    ((string-match "\\`\\(\\w.+\\), \\(\\w.+\\)\\'" name)
     (concat (bbdb-match-substring name 2) " " (bbdb-match-substring name 1)))
    ;; replace name without any whitespace with empty; I don't want bbdb names 
containing only a single name
    ((string-match "\\`\\(\\w+\\)\\'" name)
     ;;(message (format "Eliding name %s" name))
    (t name)))

;; make bbdb-wl-canonicalize-full-name-function behave like
;; bbdb-canonicalize-net-hook. (much more useful, imo)
(defun zzz-bbdb-canonicalize-name (name)
  (when name                            ;name is sometimes nil?
    (while (not (eq name (setq name (zzz-bbdb-canonicalize-name-hook name))))
      ;;(insert-string (concat name "\n"))

(setq bbdb-wl-canonicalize-full-name-function 'zzz-bbdb-canonicalize-name)


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