I am the author of a program called ASynK (http://karra-asynk.appspot.com/),
written in Python. The program provides bi-directional contacts sync
functionality across Microsoft Outlook, Google Contacts and Emacs BBDB.

For supporting the BBDB format I hacked together a bunch of simple regular
expressions that parse the BBDB entries. While it was easy to get the most
common cases working, the lack of support for some "extended" lisp syntax
involving the '#' character is a problem [0] [1]. A quick look at the
syntax convinced me that the hacking together more regular expressions is
going to result in pretty grotesque and unmaintainable regexes.

So to come to my query, finally - is there any known library or program -
in Python - that can successfully parse the BBDB entry syntax? Any ideas on
how to tackle this problem?


[0]: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/asynk/2Yz4mv8vibE/fLOeqg5zqQsJ
[1]: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/asynk/hn9jzqjxdbs/VnwEnSMNIhwJ
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SALE $99.99 this month only -- learn more at:
BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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