On Tue Mar 5 2013 Colin Hall wrote:
> I aim to have bbdb-vcard (any fork) work with bbdb3
> (Winkler-Zlatanaov). I started a couple of days ago. I'm using bbdb
> current master installed from this repo:
> http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/bbdb/
> and bbdb-vard.el current master from this repo:
> https://github.com/tohojo/bbdb-vcard

A quick glance through bbdb-vcard gives me the code snippet

       bbdb-record (union vcard-email bbdb-nets :test 'string=))
       bbdb-record (union vcard-adrs bbdb-addresses :test 'equal))
      (bbdb-record-set-phone bbdb-record
                              (union vcard-tels bbdb-phones :test 'equal))

For use of bbdb-vcard with BBDB 3, I strongly recommend to replace
any calls of bbdb-record-set-foo with bbdb-record-set-field, which
ensures overall consistency and integrity of BBDB.

Also, if you find that the main code of BBDB 3 does not work for
your purposes / should be modified, post this here.

Beyond this, I do not know much about bbdb-vcard.

If possibly bbdb-vcard.el should be integrated into a future version
of BBDB 3, please assign the copyright for your work on BBDB / Emacs
to the Free Software foundation. This will help us to make BBDB free
software, see http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html
(Contact me for details.)


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