Thanks for all the info and comparisons Stephen. I do appreciate it.
I've used mutt for a number of years, but now have to have Windows
running. Yes, I did specify text based, but I can use VM or gnus. What
I want is a separate email program that's just mine. I get a lot of
maillist mail and don't want others opening email program.

My problem is having to learn a new program and then learning lisp
stuff too, but if VM is easy to set up, I'll take a look at it :)

Thanks again.

However, still trying to figure out how to get it all working :)

On 9/15/13, Stephen J. Turnbull <> wrote:
> Carson Chittom writes:
>  > Michael <> writes:
>  > > I need a text email client for both unix type os and Windows and
>  > > that has a good address database. Gnus seems hard to set up, so
>  > > thot I would try Rmail and bbdb.
>  >
>  > I have nothing bad to say against Rmail,
> It may not matter, since the OP specified a *text* client, but Rmail's
> support for MIME was nearly non-existent until recently, and is still
> weak.  If you get mail with non-ASCII characters (including smileys
> and other symbols) and need to compose the same, if you need to send
> attachments, Gnus and VM are both more flexible, and may be more
> standard-conforming.
> Also, RMail is really "bare bones" in general.  It doesn't support
> "personalities", which allow you to customize settings for replies
> automatically depending on characteristics of the OP.  If you switch
> among roles (eg, "boss", "customer relations", "vendor relations") in
> your email, this can be very useful.  Both Gnus and VM do.  RMail
> doesn't support flexible folder management and autoarchiving.  Both
> Gnus and VM do.  I don't think RMail supports IMAP and other "remote"
> folders.  Both Gnus and VM do.  The list goes on.
>  > but, for the record, a very basic Gnus setup is merely setting
>  > gnus-select-method in ~/.gnus to one of the backends.  So, for
>  > example to read the standard mbox file, you'd do
>  >
>  > (setq gnus-select-method '(nnmbox ""))
> VM's setup is even easier; do nothing.  On the other hand, you have to
> download it from elsewhere.  Gnus support for mail standards (such as
> MIME) is better than VM's, but Gnu's underlying "everything is a
> newsgroup" model, not to mention idiosyncratic vocabulary ("select
> method" is just a start) can be more than a little disconcerting.
> Also, VM requires substantially less technical knowledge to set up
> as a mail client because it doesn't know anything about netnews.
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