On 27 Dec 2013 03:49, "Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> wrote:
> I am sorry, I can only guess what you are talking about.  In which
> context are you missing a binding of `;' to which command?  Is there
> a solution you want to propose?

I'd assume he means that, in pretty much any context in which bbdb is
active, ';' should edit the "notes" field of the relevant entry.

Currently this only happens in some contexts, e.g., in a list of
messages in gnus (Summary mode defined in 'gnus-sum.el', or Article
mode defined in 'gnus-art.el', "; runs the command
bbdb-mua-edit-field-sender") but disconcertingly not in the bbdb
window proper (BBDB mode, "; is undefined").
Barak A. Pearlmutter <ba...@cs.nuim.ie>
 Hamilton Institute & Dept Comp Sci, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

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