"Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> writes:

> (1) BBDB now allows arbitrary lisp expressions as values of
>     xfields.  Interactively, you can call bbdb-insert-field or
>     bbdb-edit-field with a prefix arg for this.  If the value of an
>     xfield is not a string, it is displayed using the same
>     pretty-printer used by describe-variable.
>     There might still be some rough edges with this new feature that
>     I have overlooked.  Please report them here.

The functionality I wanted this for is pretty much done -- it all works
nicely, thank you! Now I need to shield some stuff from users who don't
aren't using the git version of BBDB. Is there a best practice in this
case? The options I can think of are:

1. check if the new function `bbdb-record-xfield-string' is bound, since
that's new here
2. check if `bbdb-version-date' is after May 6, 2014.

I'm leaning towards the date check, since that will give finer control
if some bugs are discovered and fixed later.


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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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