Hello Roland,

With lexical binding bbdb-print-record makes a void variable error on address 

Attached is a fix. I use a lambda expression to make the binding dynmical so 
that bbdb-print-require can be evalled in the correct context. An alternative 
fix would have been to use :

(cl-progv '(first-letter name organization mail phone address xfields) (list 
first-letter name organization mail phone address xfields)).

Well, to avoid any duplication in this case, it would be better to use some 
macro like this:

(defmacro bbdb-do-cl-progv (&rest l)
   `(cl-progv (quote ,l) (list ,@l)))

and then in bdbd-print-record:

(bbdb-do-cl-progv first-letter name organization mail phone address 
xfields)(list first-letter name organization mail phone address xfields)

Anyway, I prefer the lambda trick, I don't like cl-progv and eval. Probably 
lambdas are more portable to old Emacs versions.


Attachment: bug.diff
Description: bug.diff

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