
Am 14.05.2008 um 17:56 schrieb Bob Rosenberg:
At 12:52 +0200 on 05/13/2008, Roland Küffner wrote about Re: switching the coding of various symbols:

Hi, Rob

Am 08.05.2008 um 21:04 schrieb Rob Stevenson:
I know I can use Find/Replace for each matching pair to clean these up but I think that a simple switch in BBEdit would be such a good idea that it probably exists already. Can someone tell me where it is?

Markup > Utilities > Translate (or Cmd+Opt+T)

Translate HTML to Text first. Then translate it again. Text to HTML. You can choose the way that characters are encoded (by name, hex or decimal)

While this may do the conversion of numeric entries to named ones, it is overkill and does not preserve the HTML Markup. What was requested was a way to scan the HTML for the numeric entries and make them named (either automatically when you open the file or on a request basis) without doing any other alteration to the HTML in the file.

perhaps I misunderstand the problem and apologize if my hint is not helpful, but on translating from HTML to Text you can *un*check the "Remove Tags" checkbox in the Translate dialog and your markup will not be touched. Btw, the opposite funcionalty would be "Remove Markup" (also under Markup > Utilities) which removes the markup but leaves encoded entities alone.


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