I don't know if anyone is still here and if so, having trouble with the last 
minute transition to Google Groups, but I figured out why I (and others) were 
probably having problems associating various email addresses to the new group.

There are two different places you can associate email addresses with your 
Google accounts and they don't connect:

1) in your GMAIL account settings, you can associate additional email addresses 
to your GMAIL account so that you can have messages appear to be sent from 
different accounts; and

2) in your GOOGLE account settings, you can associate additional email 
addresses to your GOOGLE account so that various Google-things see them 
(groups, calendar, etc.).

Doing #1, which I and others did, doesn't make your additional email addresses 
available for Google Groups. You need to do #2 (which the instructions below 
are for -- I just thought I could ignore them, since I had already done #1..). 
Both processes involve adding your addresses and then dealing with verification 
emails, so they're very similar -- but not the same!


Derek Belrose speculated on 5/29/08 that:

>Subject: Google Groups, Alternate Emails and what not
>Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 16:22:39 -0400
>Ok, I figured it out.
>I don't know if it's a problem with Safari, or something
>internal in Google, but I had to sign out and log back in.  As
>soon as I did it, I saw my alternate emails listed as expected.
>So I suggest you follow Steve Saeedi's advice of:
>1- Login to Google with your gmail account
>2- Go to My Account in the top right
>3- Edit My Personal Information
>4- For each alternate email address you wish to add, enter
>them at the "Associate email addresses with your account"
>5- You will need to receive the confirmation email and reply
>to that.
>6- Once confirmed and entered, you will have the option to
>choose which address you want to use to receive the BBEdit
>Talk stuff.
>But split 6 up:
>6 - Confirm Emails
>7 - Log out of Google
>8 - Log back in
>9 - Find your emails listed in the "Edit my Membership" portion of the  
>Group page.
>That is all :)

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