On Sep 4, 2008, at 3:22 AM, adrinux wrote:

>> Well, I've decided to stick with 8 until some of the bugs in 9.0 get
>> taken care of.
> Well, I think you're officially now a 'grumpy old man' Errol :)

I've pretty much always been one... but I don't really have time to  
adjust to a new version now. I use BBEdit constantly —I spend more  
time in it than Mail and Safari combined. In fact, I quite often use  
BBEdit to help clean up emails or compose them from scratch, as well  
as handle the beginning of Word documents —let alone the fact that I  
use it for PHP/HTML/Javascript/CSS/XML documents —pretty much my  
entire day is spent in this program...

Most of my complaints are due to simply being frustrated with typical . 
0 release bumps. I'll eventually get used to the new search and  
replace methods, (though I hate that I have to add another couple  
keystrokes to my work, which adds up over the course of a day) but I  
just see BBEdit losing the character I've loved since BBEdit Lite...

Obviously for any good thing to improve there has to be some pruning,  
I just seems like it's always the stuff I like (and no one else does)  
that gets pruned.
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