>>I basically want to search for "0 @000#@ INDI" and upon each find
>>replace "000#" with an incremental integer on each consecutive find
>>start at 0001, 0002, 0003, etc.
>>Can someone kick start my brain?

I just exported a Gedcom file from some an online family tree thing
I've been playing with and did this to see how it might work.

Maybe this does what you want, or sparks some ideas.

My file started out looking like this:

1 FILE familytree-Larson.ged
2 VERS 1.0
< bunch of vendor info stripped>
2 VERS 5.5.1
< other metadata stripped>
0 @166862805@ INDI
1 NAME Jxxx /Larson/
2 GIVN Jxxx
2 SURN Larson
1 RIN 166862805_4
2 DATE 11 AUG 2008
3 TIME 23:20:27
1 FAMC @20@
0 @166862881@ INDI
1 NAME Lxxx /Larson/
2 GIVN Lxxx
2 SURN Larson
1 RIN 166862881_3

My steps:

Find "\r", replace with "&*&".
Find "&*&0", replace with  "&*&\r0"

Now we've got every "record" on a single line.

0 @166862805@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Jxxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN Jxxx&*&2
SURN Larson&*&1 RIN 166862805_4...
0 @166862881@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Lxxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN Lxxx&*&2
SURN Larson&*&1 RIN 166862881_3..
0 @166861061@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Exxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN Exxx&*&2
SURN Larson&*&1 RIN 166861061_4...

Select all the lines that contain "INDI" [in my file they're all
grouped together], and choose "Add Line Numbers".

1 0 @166862805@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Jxxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN
Jxxx&*&2 SURN Larson&*&1 RIN 166862805_4...
2 0 @166862881@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Lxxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN
Lxxx&*&2 SURN Larson&*&1 RIN 166862881_3..
3 0 @166861061@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Exxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN
Exxx&*&2 SURN Larson&*&1 RIN 166861061_4...
53 0 @177839905@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Axxx /Sxxxxx/&*&2 GIVN
Axxx&*&2 SURN Sxxxx&*&1 DEAT...
54 0 @166860479@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Cxxxx /Pxxxx/&*&2 GIVN
Cxxxx&*&2 SURN Pxxxx&*&1 RIN 166860479_4...
55 0 @166864103@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Kxxx /Rxxxxx/&*&2 GIVN
Kxxx&*&2 SURN Rxxxxx&*&1 RIN 166864103_4...

My sample file had 55 people in it.

Now select various subsets of the lines and "Prefix Lines" with a "0"
to pad them out to the same length:

0001 0 @166862805@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Jxxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN
Jxxx&*&2 SURN Larson&*&1 RIN 166862805_4...
0002 0 @166862881@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Lxxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN
Lxxx&*&2 SURN Larson&*&1 RIN 166862881_3..
0003 0 @166861061@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Exxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN
Exxx&*&2 SURN Larson&*&1 RIN 166861061_4...
0053 0 @177839905@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Axxx /Sxxxxx/&*&2 GIVN
Axxx&*&2 SURN Sxxxx&*&1 DEAT...
0054 0 @166860479@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Cxxxx /Pxxxx/&*&2 GIVN
Cxxxx&*&2 SURN Pxxxx&*&1 RIN 166860479_4...
0055 0 @166864103@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Kxxx /Rxxxxx/&*&2 GIVN
Kxxx&*&2 SURN Rxxxxx&*&1 RIN 166864103_4...

Now search, using grep, for: "([0-9]*) (0 @).*(@ INDI.*)\r", replace
with "\2\1\3\r".

0 @0001@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Jxxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN Jxxx&*&2 SURN
Larson&*&1 RIN 166862805_4...
0 @0002@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Lxxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN Lxxx&*&2 SURN
Larson&*&1 RIN 166862881_3..
0 @0003@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Exxx /Larson/&*&2 GIVN Exxx&*&2 SURN
Larson&*&1 RIN 166861061_4...
0 @0053@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Axxx /Sxxxxx/&*&2 GIVN Axxx&*&2 SURN
Sxxxx&*&1 DEAT...
0 @0054@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Cxxxx /Pxxxx/&*&2 GIVN Cxxxx&*&2 SURN
Pxxxx&*&1 RIN 166860479_4...
0 @0055@ INDI&*&1 SEX F&*&1 NAME Kxxx /Rxxxxx/&*&2 GIVN Kxxx&*&2 SURN
Rxxxxx&*&1 RIN 166864103_4...

Finally, search for "&*&", replace with "\r":

0 @0001@ INDI
1 NAME Jxxx /Larson/
2 GIVN Jxxx
2 SURN Larson
1 RIN 166862805_4...
0 @0002@ INDI
1 NAME Lxxx /Larson/
2 GIVN Lxxx
2 SURN Larson
1 RIN 166862881_3..
0 @0003@ INDI
1 NAME Exxx /Larson/
2 GIVN Exxx
2 SURN Larson
1 RIN 166861061_4...

In order to automate the padding of the numbers, you'll need to use a
script of some sort as mentioned.  If this is a one-off thing, maybe
this gets you close.


Chaz Larson - c...@jeck.com

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