Yeah. It's that Perl tends to encourage opaque code.

Actually, it's readable enough (moreso than, say, Forth, anyway, which
maybe isn't saying much). But it's opaque to write, if you take my
meaning, unless you write a whole heck of a lot of it.

On Oct 18, 6:20 pm, Bruce Van Allen <> wrote:
> On 2009-10-18 at 5:53 PM, (Bruce Van Allen) wrote:
> >On 2009-10-18 at 5:35 PM, (Jonathan Lundell) wrote:
> >>Bruce, how are you handling the % fortune separator?
> >Not sure what you are referring to.
> OK, my bad for responding to something in between running my own
> work jobs. I looked at the fortune file, so now I see the '%'.
> Before the start of the read loop, add the line
> $/ = "%\n";
> while (<$in>) {
>      next if /\%/;
> I know, you hate that, too...  :-)
> Also, take of the "\n" at the end of each output line
> >print $out $sort_buckets{$_}, "\n";
> Just say:
>    print $out $sort_buckets{$_};
>     - Bruce
> _bruce__van_allen__santa_cruz_ca_
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