Hi! I see these notes about 9.5:

- Compiled language modules may specify a new plist key:
BBLMCompletionTagsFileNames. This is an array of strings, each one
corresponding to the name of a file in the language module's Resources
directory. Each file (if present) is expected to be a valid tags file,
and is used when generating completions.

- There's a new placeholder format: <#* ... #>. This is used for
optional arguments generated during completion. It can be selected in
the usual fashion; and if you delete a selected optional-argument
placeholder with the Backspace key, BBEdit will delete any leading
whitespace, back to a preceding comma (if there is one).

- BBEdit now uses the ctags files in ~/Library/Application Support/
BBEdit/Completion Data/ for more than just completion: "Find
Definition" (and the contextual menu) will now include definitions
specified on those tags files (which is handy if you've built a tags
file from a Mac OS X or iPhone SDK); and symbols defined in the
central tags files will also appear in an appropriate color.

- Completion data dictionaries generated by language modules can now
contain an additional key: AutoIndentCompletionText. It's optional,
but if present signals the completion system that the completion text,
if multi-line, should be auto-indented according to where the
completion is inserted.

- BBEdit can now generate completions for include file names in C/C++/
ObjC/ObjC++ source files. (This applies when typing in an #include or
#import directive.) The data is sourced from the active Xcode project,
system headers and frameworks, and the directory containing the source
file in which you're completing.

So, to me it's not so clear. Maybe would be great to see a definitive
tutorial about all this  completion an language-related stuff, along
with the previews versions enhancements. :)


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