> If I understand this right, you are looking for extra hyphens in the opening 
> and closing tags (I don't think these extra hyphens are illegitimate 
> specificationwise but I'm not quite sure about that). Anyway, you could 
> capture these by extending the pattern like this:

Hi Roland,

I am not sure either, but one article I read recently made me guess
that double hyphens will always be a problem.. even if immediately
concatenated onto the opening or closing comment tags.  It would be
easy for me to check, but anyway, for now moving on (below)...

> search
> (?s)<!-{2,}([^-]*?)-+([^-]*?)-{2,}>
> replace with
> <!--\1\2-->

this works really great, and covers the bulk of the badly formed
comments i have in the files I am working with now.  Thank you for the

> Comments nested completely in other comments (as seen in one of your 
> examples) are a totally different beast. Please be aware that nested comments 
> will break the above search pattern as it would break the second comment 
> opening in something like
> <!-- bla <!-- nested blabla --> more bla -->

well I get the idea that it is too much to try and do everything with
one grep in my case.. because the ways the comments were written are
bad in more than a few (tricky) ways.

Thank you for your time.  Let us here work with what you two have
already offered, rather than you spend more time here.

Your help is much appreciated.


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