On Jan 6, 5:21 pm, Charlie Garrison <garri...@zeta.org.au> wrote:
> Good morning,
> On 6/01/11 at 10:48 AM -0800, creativeanvil
> <adwo...@creativeanvil.com> wrote:
> >Just grabbed BBEdit 9 and love the new code completion and projects.
> >Is there any way to enable the code completion to pick up on my
> >classes and methods (php)? Thanks!
> ctags
> Search the manual for details. (Although I don't know whether
> PHP is supported, I would think it must be.)
> Charlie
> --
>     Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊ <garri...@zeta.org.au>
> O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -www.asciiribbon.org
> 〠  http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1855.txt

Thanks for the ctags hint. That worked. Kind of. What it doesn't seem
to do is help with autocomplete of class names. Once I type in the
full class name, it does allow me to find the methods. The one thing
that we do that may be throwing it off is that we use a PHP autoloader
to load classes and have the broken into a directory structure. So,
the class "General_Specific" would be in a folder /lib/General/
Specific.php. Eclipse, for example, seems to have no problem with
this, but it seems like it's throwing ctags off. Is there a
configuration option to allow this to work, or is it just not going to
properly be able to figure out that structure just yet?


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