There are online tools for doing this, why not use there, I did a quick google 
search and found this:

Here a bunch of other links that a colleague collected a while back:

1.     Server-side tool kits available for 32/64 bit OS for Windows and Linux, 
written in PHP, Perl and Python. Two examples:
a.     Paid:
b.     Free:

2.     Extensions and plugins for CMS, development platforms and publishing 
platforms such as .Net, Drupal and WordPress. Two examples:
a.     Paid:
b.     Free: 

3.     Applications that can be downloaded for free, or for a fee. Two examples:
a.     Paid:
b.     Free:

4.     On-line services that will ingest your web site and create an 
XML-Sitemap. Two examples:
a.     Paid:
b.     Free:

5.     Class libraries available for Java, Perl, ASP and PHP. Two examples:
a.     Free:
b.     Free:



On Mar 24, 2011, at 1:03 AM, BBunny wrote:

> Be that as it may, I'm asking if a method has been mentioned here that
> would create a sitemap in BBEdit (or terminal), and, if so, exactly
> what one would enter, and where. Thanks.
> On Mar 20, 3:57 pm, Robert Huttinger <>
> wrote:
>> it's true that AppleScript may be a new Lang to learn, but it's pretty  
>> damn easy with millions of example code on the web. it may be a lot  
>> easierthan you think!
>> Sent from my Apple ][
>> On Mar 20, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Tim Gray <> wrote:
>>> On Jan 15, 2011 at 12:02 AM -0800, BBunny wrote:
>>>> The "Misc" menu in previous versions of BBEdit contained an "index"
>>>> feature, which generated a hierarchical index—in other words, a si
>>>> temap
>>>> —of a Web site, with live links to the pages. With version 9.6, t
>>>> hat
>>>> feature has been eliminated. Can anyone suggest a script or other  
>>>> easy
>>>> way of replacing that function? Thanks much.
>>> I think I could write up a script that does this pretty easily.  The  
>>> only problem is that BBEdit only provides two methods for unix  
>>> scripts, 'filters' and 'scripts'.  Scripts run in Terminal, so it's  
>>> kind of difficult to get the output of said script into a new BBEdit  
>>> window in an automated fashion. Filters run on an existing window  
>>> and replace the contents.
>>> A third option is to call a unix script from an Applescript.  
>>> Applescript can obviously open new BBEdit windows, etc., but its  
>>> kind of kludgy to have a parent Applescript call on separate unix  
>>> script.  You'd have to install two files, etc.  Of course, the  
>>> obvious solution would be to write a 100% Applescript script, but  
>>> for the life of me I can't master Applescript.
>>> So, I can provide you with a Python script that you can run from the  
>>> command line.  You feed it a directory and it will make an index  
>>> page for the html files in that directory.  Would that be useful?
>>> I wish there was tighter integration between BBEdit and scripting  
>>> languages, like Python and Perl.  But there isn't.  If there was,  
>>> extending BBEdit to do tasks like this would be so much easier.  
>>> Instead, you have to wrestle with Applescript to do anything of the  
>>> sort.  It's one of the features I'm really jealous that Textmate has.
>>> --
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