sometimes though you have a long selector:

color: #CCC;
background-image: transparent url('foo/frack.png') no-repeat top left;

If i just add 2 tabs, they values of the attributes will not line up. there
will be space between them but they wont line up.

Ideally I want the regex or reflow to but the attribut , for instance, on
char 4, and all the values on char 60.

does that make sense?


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Bucky Junior

> On May 6, 2011, at 9:40 AM, Bo wrote:
> > I want to format my css include file to go from this:
> >
> > [code]
> > \twidth:85%;
> > ...
> > to
> >
> > \twidth:\t\t\t85%;
> > ...
> > so it all aligns in columns, is there an adcanced regex function i can
> > use, or a reflow document preference that can be manually set on a per
> > doc basis?
> It looks to me like all you need to add is two tabs after the colon. search
> for the colon and replace with the colon and two tabs. Or am I missing
> something?
> search (:)\s*(\w)
> replace \1\t\t\2
> The search pattern looks for a colon to remember--the parentheses--zero or
> more whitespace characters, with a word character next
> The replace pattern replaces the colon \1, adds two tabs \t\t, and then
> replaces the single word character.
> This adding of two tabs doesn't seem to accomplish what you are really
> looking for--aligning the CSS values as a column. At least for me with 4
> spaces per tab.
> As far as a a reflow setting for documents, I've not seen such an option.
> Bucky
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