rowen-- My suggestion won't work. The change-case menu command changes
case only according to the last-set option (e.g. to Upper, Lower,
Capitalize..).  Here's a script that will change case to the opposite
of that of the first letter in the selection.

----------Script Begins-----------
(* Change case of selection

tell application "BBEdit"
set _result to find "(?s)(.*?)([a-zA-z])(.+)" searching in selection
of text window 1 options {search mode:grep, starting at top:false,
wrap around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match
words:false, extend selection:false}
if found of _result then
set _found to grep substitution of "\\2"
display dialog "Error...either the selection is empty or it contains
no letters."
end if
set _lowcase to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
considering case
if _found is in _lowcase then
change case selection of text window 1 making raise case with
replacing target
change case selection of text window 1 making lower case with
replacing target
end if
end considering
end tell
-----Script Ends----------
On May 22, 7:21 pm, Steve Samuels <> wrote:
> You can assign a hotkey to "Change Case" in the "Menus"
> Preferences.pane ("Text" Menu)..
> Steve
> On May 19, 8:13 pm, rowen <> wrote:
> > Is there a trick to assigning hotkeys for changing the case of
> > selected text? I realize I can write scripts and assign hotkeys to
> > those, but I'd rather not clutter up the scripts menu if I don't have
> > to.

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