Your attempt is close. Here's a script that is working for me. You cn
comment out the "do shell" line with -- at the beginning of the line
and uncomment the line above it to see the file path that it will try
to open for testing.

tell application "BBEdit"
        set _file to file of front window
        --display dialog "File: " & quoted form of (POSIX path of _file)
        do shell script "open -a TextEdit " & quoted form of (POSIX path of
end tell


On Jul 2, 4:33 pm, TJ Luoma <> wrote:
> {Let me preface this by saying that I don't know jack about
> AppleScript. I've been googling around (and even checked the manual)
> and can't find anything like this, so I'm guessing it's so basic no
> one thinks anyone has to be told how to do this.}
> Problem: I want to open the front-most file in BBEdit in another
> application by pressing some keyboard command.
> Let's say the other application is TextEdit, but it could be any
> application.
> On page 322 of the manual (see, I read it :-) it says:
> > Although BBEdit still supports the “active document” property, this is no 
> > longer necessary. Instead, if a text window is frontmost:
> > document 1 of application "BBEdit"
> > document 1 of text window 1 of application "BBEdit"
> > active document of text window 1 of application "BBEdit"
> > now all refer to the same document.
> So, cobbling together that with other stuff from around the web (lots
> of which is old and confusing)
> I tried this:
>         tell application "BBEdit"
>                 set thefile to document 1 of application "BBEdit"
>                 set thepath to POSIX path of thefile
>         end tell
>         do shell script "open -e " & thepath
> I also tried it without the tell / end tell lines
> But I always get an error such as this:
> "BBEdit got an error: Can't make POSIX path of text document into type
> POSIX path of text document 1."
> which tells me absolutely nothing helpful.
> Can someone:
> 1.      point me in the right direction?
> 2.      recommend a good "AppleScript for beginners" book?

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