One of the new users of BBedit drawn in by a) the new price, and b)
the ability to set line spacings (I'm a writer, not a coder, and this
is huge. I sent in a request for this a week or two ago and <poof>,
there it is.)

Just tried to set up a text factory, and didn't get what I expected.
The factory is simply set to

Tidy:Clean (discard empty paragraphs)
Change Line Endings (to Windows)

What I got was HTML output, with my text turned into Body text. I
presumed I would get plain text, transformed.

I also expected to be able to save the file to another location. The
"Save" button simply saved my existed file as HTML, with no options
for alternative locations.

Do I have a flawed understanding of text factories, or is this a

Lastly, can a text factory be made to run on any open document - that
is, I want to make this conversion a one-step hotkey process, and so
want it to run on the front-most Bedit file automatically, without
having to select a specific file. Is that possible?


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