> For most tags in 9, the modal dialog boxes provided the majority of
> the necessary options (the prime example being the image box). It also
> did the niceties of auto-calculating the image size for you, after
> inputting all the needed options. From what I can see in V10, the
> prime option is to use the inline editor, which only prompts to type
> the alt and src attributes, and does not auto-fill dimensions.

The gear widget at the top-right of the editor fills in "common" attributes. 
You can click it, or type Command-M to populate the list with them.

I'm not 100% sure how we handle dimensions if you type the image tag. If we are 
not computing the dimensions, I can see an argument for doing so. I can also 
see arguments against it.

> The other suggestion I've seen is to drag and drop the image file into
> the HTML file, and it will auto-fill the dimensions. But, if you've
> set the file type to PHP (like I do for files that have headers and
> includes), this doesn't work (i.e., BBEdit does nothing). So, in this
> case, the only option is to use the inline palette, which requires
> more clicks (and doesn't do the auto-calculation).

Can I ask why you set the file type to PHP? Setting it to HTML, then letting 
BBEdit figure out which parts are PHP should work.

> The new non-modal tag editors also have one really annoying aspect in
> that they do provide a listing of every possible attribute that
> applies to a tag in a drop-down menu, but the drop-down menu requires
> me to scroll up and down, even though the menu should easily fit on my
> screen. I'm not sure if this is a developer tool limitation or not,
> but if it can be changed, I'd vote to do so.

When I wrote that stuff, my expectation was that people would be using 
autocomplete to get the attribute names, and only using the list of items if 
they were unsure what the attribute they needed was called. Does that not work 
for you?

> Find and replace also seems less functional in version 10... maybe
> it's just my workflow, but I much prefer the old modal find & replace
> window, for two main reasons. First, the existence of the keyboard
> shortcuts to toggle options (Command-G to toggle Grep, Command-T to
> toggle start at top).

There are new key equivalents, which are documented in the manual, and can be 
changed in the preferences.

> And second, what happened to Start at Top?

You would be astounded how many times we had to answer the question "I chose 
replace all, but only some of the strings were replaced. WTF?"

In the new windows (I hesitate to say "new", because they've been the default 
windows for several years) Replace All does what it says it will. If you need 
"Replace from here to the end", there's a command on the menu for that, which 
has no key assigned by default. You can add one if you like.

I typically have "Wrap Around" enabled, and that works for my needs.

> Losing that is a major bummer to the way I work. Also, losing the
> ability to trigger a multi-file search from inside of the regular find
> box is a bummer; I do that a lot when I make one change, and then
> realize I probably need to make it across a bunch of files.

Because they are "windows" and not "dialogs", you can have them both open at 
once. If you type "Command-F", but find you really wanted multi file search, 
just type "Command-Shift-F, and the other window will appear, pre-poulated with 
the settings from the first window. Or, if that's too much cognitive load 
(Seriously -- I'm not making fun of anyone), simply change the Find multiple 
key equivalent to Command-M.

> I've also noticed that the full screen mode in Lion seems buggy. Every
> time I try it, at some point, the ability to mouse to the top of the
> screen to reveal the menu bar stops working. BBEdit also assigns the
> system keyboard shortcut for enter/exit full screen to another
> command, so no dice there. The only option seems to be quitting and
> restarting.

If you had any existing key accelerators, we went out of our way to preserve 
then, and _not_ commandeer keystrokes used by the system. If you want the 
system defaults, you can either manually re-apply them, or do what I did, and 
"Restore Defaults" in the Menus & Shortcuts pref pane, then add back the 
customizations you use. Obviously, if you have a lot of customizations, that's 
a drag. In my own case, I think I added or changed about half a dozen.

> Am I missing something? Are there workarounds or better ways to deal
> with these things that I'm missing?

Hopefully some of the above will prove helpful?


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