Hey folks

I've been using BBEdit for years but don't think I'm doing everything
I can with it.

I'm trying to learn more of what BBEdit can do, and I was wondering if
some of you might be willing to help.

If you were trying to impress someone who was new to the Mac with what
BBEdit can do and why you use it as your text editor, can you give me
some examples of the features you'd show off?

Here are 3 examples from my own usage:

* One of the reasons that I chose BBEdit was that I needed to be able
to connect to an (S)FTP server and edit files, and I wanted an editor
that could do that.

* One of the features that I really love is the "Multiple File Search"
where I can look for a certain search term in a wide range of files.
Today I used it to file all files which referenced a given folder
(which I had renamed).  So in Terminal, I used this:

 bbedit --new-window `fgrep -l OLDNAME *`

which opened all of the files which include "OLDNAME" in a new BBEdit
window. Then I used multi-file search to replace OLDNAME with NEWNAME,
and it even saved all of the files for me automatically so I didn't
have to save them all manually.

* One thing I didn't know about for a long time was that if you hold
down the "Option" key while looking at the "File" menu, some of the
options will change. (Which is why I didn't think BBEdit had a way to
"Save All" for a long time :-/

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