Completely different issue with the script which I'm guessing is my
machine but hopefully there is a known answer:
With or without a project file, I get an error of:
  Finder got an error: Can’t get URL of file
\"OctoPirate:Users:Me:Sites:code-yellow:\"." number -1728 from URL of
file "OctoPirate:Users:Me:Sites:code-yellow:"

Error -1728 is, I believe, "file doesn't exist" or "can't get
Watching the event log, the system never evaluates to true the (on
disk of _projectDocument) condition in either case.

Any suggestions?

On Jul 25, 2:20 am, ascarter <> wrote:
> I'm sure I tested that case but I'll back and look at it again. Thanks for
> narrowing it down.

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