On 27 jul. 2011, at 01:05, maf675 wrote:

> On Jul 26, 12:55 pm, Maarten Sneep <maarten.sn...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> No it isn't. It is the way Apple handles colors:
>> http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference...
>> Maarten
> What I meant was wrong was BBEdit's math...
> For example, if I choose rgb slider values of 248, 248, 248.
> Then 248 / 255 = 0.972549
> So BBedit should store it as rgba(0.972549,0.972549,0.972549,1.000000)
> But BBedit is storing it as rgba(0.978330,0.978133,0.978337,1.000000)
> Note that not only are the values wrong, they are also all different
> from each other!!! Also note that when converted back by multiplying
> them by 255 and rounding to nearest whole numbers, you get rgb slider
> values of 249, 249, 249
> So as of right now, I am having to manually do the math for each RGB
> value I want in my scheme, and type the correct numbers into the saved
> bbcolor scheme file in the BBEdit Application Support folder by hand,
> if I want my desired settings to be correct.

Ah, that makes more sense. This is probably something you ought to send to 

Some things that might interfere with the handling of colors is colorsync. It 
might just happen that the colors are double-corrected.



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