Thanks to all who replied. I was able to do this with an Applescript
and it wasn't as hard as I feared.  I may also check out text
factories for other projects like this.
The Unix solution seems elegant, but unfortunately, way beyond my
limited grep capabilites.

Thanks again,


On Jul 27, 6:07 pm, John Delacour <> wrote:
> At 10:03 -0700 27/07/2011, jgold723 wrote:
> >I'm using BBEdit 8 (but willing to upgrade if necessary). I have a
> >series of search and replace strings that I need to perform on a
> >document. I'd like to build these once, then have BBEdit run them all
> >on the document. Can that be done? How?
> The easiest way is to create a UNIX Filter (renamed Text Filter in BBE 10)
> Here is a filter that will capitalize all a, e and o in the document.
> I have writen it in such a way that the whole text of the document is
> treated as a unit rather than read line by line
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> my $wholetext = "";
> while (<>) {
>    $wholetext .= $_}
> $_ = $wholetext;
> # Substitutions:
> s/a/A/g; #1
> s/e/E/g; #2
> s/o/O/g; #3
> print;
> JD

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