here are some random walls i keep slamming into with 10... any
suggestions, tips, and/or workarounds would be MOST welcome!

it now takes twice as many clicks as it used to to add attributes to
images tags

                old way:
                        click in height field, add value
                        click in width field, add value
                        click in border field, add value

                in 10:
                        click in attribute name field, type first letter (i.e., 
'w'), tab
to or click in value field, add value
                        repeat 2 more times for height and border

                        i.e., 4 steps required instead of 2 for EACH item

                how does this help me? yes, some of those tags are optional... 
best practices is still to include them, yes? and, even if not, MY
practice is to include them. is there not a compromise solution or

                yes, i can 'update document images' at any point... but this 
like an added step. i REALLY miss being able to see... and the ability
to quickly edit.... multiple, common params.

i can't tell you how many times in the last many years i've clicked on
the 'preview' palette button to preview my page in the last chosen
browser... and yet now, i have to click and then select a browser
before i can see it. why the behavior change? why doesn't it just
preview in the last selected browser? since i could always click and
hold to select a different browser, why now opt for only one of the
two behaviours?

the manual says "Some palette buttons are actually popup menus.
Clicking a popup menu button while holding down the Command key
invokes that menu’s last-selected menu option." but this does NOT work
for me.

yes, i can command+control+p to preview in the last browser i
previewed in... so why does the html palette button no longer provide
this functionality?

the manual also says "Try pressing the Option key and watch how the
palette changes. By holding down Option as you click, you can force
many buttons that normally display a settings dialog to use their
previous settings instead"... but NONE of my v10 palettes change.

i really want to adjust the palette sensitivity... i have to very
deliberately click on palette buttons to get them to work. if i click
too quickly, they do not respond until the next click. suggestions

saved workspaces do NOT honor window width when toggling 'open
documents' on and off. if i open one document, i do NOT get the 'open
documents' listing on the left, even after trying 'defaults write
com.barebones.bbedit AutoShowFileList -bool YES' (recommended fix from
barebones... still doesn't work)

in all of the attribute editor windows that come up when clicking on
an html palette button, i can do everything i need to by clicking...
EXCEPT cancel. for that, i have to type, when to this point i've been
clicking. can't i have a 'cancel' button to click on?

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