nayfly <> squaked out on Wed 03-Aug-2011 18:03
> Hey Guys,
> I've just bought BBEdit 10 and already I'm loving a number of features
> over Textmate. However, I'd love to know if BBEdit is capable of doing
> a "Replace All in Selection" without having to open the find view.
> Including the dialogue after the replace has finished it's 3
> keystrokes. That also leads me to my second issue: Is it possible to
> disable the dialogue that appears after a find/replace?

It’s an expert pref (defaults write) but it’s not working for me.

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit FindDialog_ShowReplaceResults NO

I also tried (just in case)

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit FindDialog_ShowReplaceResults -bool NO

Why live in the world when you can live in your head?

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