Hmmm... my formatting seems to get lost in the email version of this..
I'll try again using <tab> to indicate my indent...

Given that I have an variable number of lines of text like such,

The rain in Spain
falls mainly in the plain
The fog in the bog
makes a slippery log

I'd like to make a clipping that will result in this,

<tab>The rain in Spain
<tab>falls mainly in the plain
<tab>The fog in the bog
<tab>makes a slippery log

My rough clipping is like this,


Which results in this,

<tab>The rain in Spain
falls mainly in the plain
The fog in the bog
makes a slippery log

I've tried fiddling with #indent# but I realize now, that's not it's

Any thoughts how to get the subsequent lines to indent to the position
of the first in the selection?

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