On Aug 07, 2011, at 10:13, edac2 wrote:
> The purpose of this forum, Chris, is to discuss issues with a program which 
> is so important to developers. This is not a tech support question. My point 
> is that BBEdit 9.6 had nine options for arranging windows and BBEdit 10 has 
> one. Writing a script to bring that up to two options is not a solution since 
> we used to have ten options. There is no reason why a "new, improved" version 
> of BBEdit should have 1/10 the window arranging options as its predecessor.

Support is where you actually have a conversation with the developers as 
opposed to venting on the user-list.  It's not simply for "Tech-Support" issues.

I don't know why they chose to remove the arrange windows feature; it doesn't 
make obvious sense to me either.

My point in posting the script was to demonstrate that you can arrange windows 
*any* way you want and that you can do it *now* regardless of what Bare Bones 
chooses to do.  I would have posted more options, but I haven't had the time - 
and I've been looking for an Intel or UB version of cscreen in order to add 
speedy multi-monitor support.  A friend was finally able to provide me with 
that little gem, and when I have time I'll write a more sophisticated script.

In the meantime if anyone wants a copy of the shell executable 'cscreen' Let me 

Here's Sample output from my MacBook Pro (the headers are not included):

Index   Monitor_ID?     X       Y       Depth   LCD or RefreshRt
0       69678016        1920    1200    32      0


Multi-monitor setups are supported, and all connected screens will be listed.

The documentation is rudimentary:


cscreen [-H|--help] [-l|--list] [-L|--LIST] [-d|--device device] [[-s|--set] 
[[-w|--width width] [-h|--height height] [-b|bpp bitsdepth (8,16,32)] 
[-r|--rate rate] [-p|permanent perm (0,1,2)]]

It works fine for getting info. It should also be able to set resolutions, but 
I haven't felt like trying that out as yet.

Best Regards,

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