Good { morning, afternoon, evening },

We have a new pre-release version of 10.0.2, and given the predicted weather conditions, thought it would be a good idea to make it available sooner rather than later. :-)

Note that this is a _pre-release_ version. The intent is to fix bugs and address areas of improvement based on what our customers have reported. However, since the software is at this point not fully tested, there _may_ be bugs and regressions. If this prospect makes you nervous, then sticking with the public release versions is your best course of action. Nobody will be offended if you choose to do so; you're under no obligation to install and use anything but a public release. :-)

Following is a summary of the changes in the software since the last public release. The change notes are organized into additions, changes, and fixes, and are annotated where appropriate with case numbers. So if you recognize a number corresponding to a support case that was opened for you, you can now verify that it's been fixed correctly.

One final note: If you run into a bug in a pre-release version, PLEASE DO NOT REPORT THE BUG TO THE LIST. This includes asking about whether others have seen the same problem. Instead, please send a bug report to <> and we will deal with it there. This will help us keep the list discussion on topic and productive for all list members.


version 10.0.2 (3079)   (8/25/2011)


+   The behavior of "Open File by Name" gets some significant changes
    and enhancements.

* As you enter a file name, BBEdit will search for the name as
        well as wildcard matches, and present all of the possible
        matches in the name field's combo box. If the name you enter
        contains wildcard characters (such as `*` or `?`, e.g. `NS*.h`
        or `index.*`) then the entered name is used as a wildcard
        pattern. If the name you enter does *not* contain wildcards,
        then BBEdit will use it as a basis for casting a pretty wide

* Search-as-you-type will first look for matches in one of two possible places, in order of preference: the files in the front
        (Z-order) project document; and the files in the active Xcode
project. Then, if Xcode is running, BBEdit will look for files
        in the system frameworks includes.

* If there are any matches for your typing, selecting one in the
        combo box and pressing Return or Enter will open it.

    *   If there are no matches for your typing, you can still search
for the file, as before. (The search will skip things that would
        have already been found, i.e. projects.)

    *   If you type something that looks like an absolute or a home-relative
        path, e.g. `/path/to/some/file.txt` or `~/Documents/some/file.txt`,
no searching will take place, and clicking the "Open" button will
        attempt to open the file at that path, if it exists.

    *   If you type something that looks like a URL, BBEdit will
        attempt to open it directly, or hand it off to an application
        that can. File, HTTP, FTP, and SFTP URLs are all supported
        internally (as are the `x-bbedit` and `txmt` schemes).

    Fun things to try:

* Drag the "favicon" from your Web browser's address bar into the edit field, and note that the URL appears there. Now hit the
        "Open" button.

* Type "NS*.h" while an Xcode project is open (or while Xcode is running).

* Open a project in BBEdit which contains the sources for a Rails
        app, and type practically anything.


o   (none in this build)


* [216850] Removed the default block-comment delimiters for the Ruby module, since using them with Un/Comment creates more problems than
    it solves.

* Eliminated the tendency to touch the "Not Key Shortcuts" setup file
    when starting up (and at other times).

*   Browser windows (disk, Zip, results, etc) get a Text Statistics
    status bar item.


The package can be downloaded from our web server:



Rich Siegel                                 Bare Bones Software, Inc.
<>                      <>

Someday I'll look back on all this and laugh... until they sedate me.

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