On 05.01.2011 10:03 AM, Rick Gordon wrote:
How can I set up a grep search that will repeat looping through the document 
until all instances have been processed?

For instance, say I've set up markers (« and ») around target source strings, 
and want to process thos strings to remove any characters that are not ASCII, 
numeric, space, or hyphen. Something like:

        (?<=«)(.*?)[^- A-Za-z0-9«»]+?(.*?)(?=»)


How can I keep it looping until no more instances are found?

I don't like the find and replace dialogue any more, which was changed a long while ago. First go on top of your open file (this is tricky and annoying, because we have had once a button: "search backwards" etc I never understood, why BareBones removed this). Enter your search patterns, enable grep, and click on "replace & find".



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