In most OS X apps option-delete deletes the previous word plus any 
whitespace after it. BBEdit does not do this (for whatever reason). I want 
to create a very simple Applescript that does this. Here's what I've got so 

*tell* *application* "BBEdit"

*tell* *text* *of* *front* *text window* *to* *find* "(\S+)?([ \t]+)?" 
options {search mode:grep, backwards:true} *with* selecting match

*end* *tell*

This, obviously, finds what I want to delete, but does not delete it. I've 
tried hacking together key code events, and stubbled my way around the 
replace functions, but I'm interested in doing it right. Can you help?

It might also be nice to be able to script the option-arrows to move the 
insertion point in the same way the rest of the OS behaves. My first 
thought was to do a search with a lookbehind (as a way of moving the 
insertion point) but BBEdit doesn't seem to allow non-fixed-length 
lookbehinds. Is this a Grep limitation? Is there a way around it?

I know Grep pretty well but I don't know anything about AppleScript.

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