I'm writing a codeless language module for the DTrace scripting language.

My comment pattern is:

Which is to say, the shebang line that may be at the beginning of the file, or 
anything enclosed in /**/, or anything from // to the end of the line.

My function pattern is:

(Great thanks to Thane Norton, whose Alloy CLM put me onto using CDATA for 
regular expressions.)

This pattern matches this function:

    //  etc.

And this one:

/ arg0 > 100000 /
    //  etc.

But not this one:

pid$1::memset:entry     // the pid is the first passed parameter
    //  etc.

Instead, BBEdit thinks the name of the function is "parameter". My pattern does 
not handle comments within the function declaration.

If I add a skip pattern of:
Functions with comments in the declaration don't get matched at all.

Is there an easy way out of this? Or do I have to repeat the comment pattern 
(possibly several times) in the function pattern? And if I do, is there a way 
to use the (?P>comment) pattern to shorten the expression?

    — F

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