On Dec 27, 1:31 pm, consiglieri <apelsi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anyone give me a helping hand  or tip with
> regards to this? What i tried was the following
> sudo bbedit --maketags /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk/System/Library/
> Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/

I tried this, and it ended up creating a tags folder in  /Developer/
> Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/ (Perhaps you were expecting it to 
> be created in your current directory?)

Disadvantage of generating this file? It's actually a ctags file for
the Python C API (what's in that folder). That's not exactly what I
expected (I expected a listing of the items in the Python standard

I think you actually want to run bbedit --maketags in the /System/
directory :)

PS: What I've done in the past to generate a Python ctags file is to
download Django's code (the Python framework I'm using for this
client), and run ctags in that directory. It's not the whole standard
library, but it was good enough for my purposes. (And a lot smaller
than generating the entire Python Standard Library, which generated a
3.1 MB ctags file).

Hope this helps,
_Ryan Wilcox

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