rather than script this, here's what i would do... old school, but quick 
and dirty:

1. drag the folder of original images onto an open/empty bbedit window. 
this will give you a list of all the images, no matter how many there are.

2. select all (command + a)

3. slam everything to the left (command + [ as many times as it takes)

4. run this saved grep pattern:

FIND: ^Photo(.+)orig\.jpg</string>\\r
REPLACE: &lt;a href="images_big/Photo\1orig.jpg"&gt;&lt;img 

5. sorry that took so long!

i have a collection of saved grep patterns i use all the time... big time 


On Wednesday, March 28, 2012 2:21:59 AM UTC-7, blue-orange wrote:
> Hello, 
> I have the following task of creating a page with 1000 thumbnails 
> linked to larger files. 
> I want to automate the task and the automation part is an unfamiliar 
> territory for me. 
> I have two txt files containing 1000 thumbnail and original image 
> filenames that look like this: 
> original.txt: 
> Photo_19001_2010-11-18_13.45.59_orig.jpg 
> Photo_19002_2010-11-18_21.07.04_orig.jpg 
> Photo_19003_2010-11-19_10.48.19_orig.jpg 
> Photo_19004_2010-11-19_14.05.01_orig.jpg 
> Photo_19005_2010-11-19_14.05.05_orig.jpg 
> ... 
> preview.txt: 
> Photo_19001_2010-11-18_13.45.59_prev.jpg 
> Photo_19002_2010-11-18_21.07.04_prev.jpg 
> Photo_19003_2010-11-19_10.48.19_prev.jpg 
> Photo_19004_2010-11-19_14.05.01_prev.jpg 
> Photo_19005_2010-11-19_14.05.05_prev.jpg 
> ... 
> I have a HTML template: 
> <a href="urlOriginal"><img src="urlPreview"></a> 
> I want to replace the urlOriginal and urlPreview with the proper info 
> from the txt files. Repeat 999 times. 
> I understand this is not possible with BBEdit. 
> AppleScript to the rescue? 
> Where do I start? 

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