Many thanks, Christopher -- it's good to have AS also, since I do have a vague 
idea of what is going on there! -- A.

On 4 sept. 2012, at 09:48, Christopher Stone wrote:

> On Sep 03, 2012, at 01:42, AB <> wrote:
>> Can anyone help with a script or text filter to add a number after a string 
>> in a file
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Hey AB,
> Kendall's Perl script is far superior for speed with nearly instant 
> replacement of sample text with 450 replacements.
> Nevertheless it can be done pretty easily with Applescript:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> set regexStr to "\\b(the)\\b"
> set _cntr to 0
> tell application "BBEdit"
>       tell front text window's text
>               select insertion point before character 1
>               repeat
>                       set fndRec to find regexStr options {search mode:grep, 
> case sensitive:false}
>                       if (found of fndRec) = true then
>                               set _cntr to _cntr + 1
>                               tell (a reference to found object of fndRec)
>                                       set its text to (get its text as text) 
> & _cntr
>                               end tell
>                       else
>                               exit repeat
>                       end if
>               end repeat
>               select insertion point after character -1
>       end tell
> end tell
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This script however takes about 4 seconds to complete on the same example 
> text when run from BBEdit's script menu.

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