On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 12:18 PM, Oliver Taylor <olivertay...@me.com> wrote:

> Where do you save your projects? In the project's folder? In a "projects"
> folder?
> I know you can save them anywhere, I'm asking where the list prefers to
> keep their BBEdit Project Files. Just curious.
I'm usually working on open source projects or projects where I'm the only
BBEdit user, thus I usually work like:


So, the same directory my checkout out working tree is in.

Sometimes, if I choose, I might put it in the working tree directory and
then add it to version control. But generally only if I'm the only one
working on it, and it's not that good of an idea anyway because you end up
having to commit your .bbedit workspace all the time.

- Steve

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