Good { morning, afternoon, evening },

The 10.5 public beta's rolling right along -- thanks to everyone who's taken the time to try it out and let us know how it's working, for better or for worse. :-)

A new build is available, with an assortment of fixes for things that turned up in the previous beta release. (For more information about the previous release, please see the post at <>.) Most of these correspond to fixes and changes to work in progress; but as always there are also fixes for bugs in what's currently in general release.

Note that this is a _pre-release_ version. The intent is to fix bugs and address areas of improvement based on what our customers have reported. However, since the software is at this point not fully tested, there _may_ be bugs and regressions. If this prospect makes you nervous, then sticking with the public release versions is your best course of action. Nobody will be offended if you choose to do so; you're under no obligation to install and use anything but a public release. :-)

Following is a summary of the changes in the software since the previous build. The change notes are organized into additions, changes, and fixes, and are annotated where appropriate with case numbers. So if you recognize a number corresponding to a support case that was opened for you, you can now verify that it's been fixed correctly. Please take the time to review the changes before using the new build -- there are a lot of them, and it'll be worth your time.

One final note: If you run into a bug in a pre-release version, PLEASE DO NOT REPORT THE BUG TO THE LIST. This includes asking about whether others have seen the same problem. Instead, please send a bug report to <> and we will deal with it there. This will help us keep the list discussion on topic and productive for all list members.


version 10.5 (3223) (10/31/2012)

*** The system requirements for BBEdit have changed with version 10.
    Mac OS X 10.6 is now required (10.6.8 or later recommended).

*** BBEdit 10.5 contains extensive internal rework; the primary goal
    is to achieve proper appearance on Macs with the high-resolution
    "Retina" displays, but the opportunity was also taken to remove
    unnecessary code, and to effect various cosmetic and usability
    improvements. There will be some drawing glitches and
    fit-and-finish issues; please report anything that you run into
that falls into that category (as well as any other functional bugs
    that you may encounter in new or changed features).


*   [204298] The "current process" indicator in shell worksheets now
has a spinny thing so that you know something's running, and a clicky thing if you want to stop the running thing indicated by
    the spinny thing.

-   [208631] When running a shell script from the shebang menu,
    additional arguments are passed along to the command, so things

    `#!/usr/bin/env python --version`

    will return

    `Python 2.7.3`


*   [DOC] [252935] The search logic in "Open Counterpart" has been
    improved to cover cases that weren't previously served by strict
    project-searching logic. Consider this arrangement of files and


    When in either file, "Open Counterpart" will now search the siblings
of the file's parent for eligible counterparts. By default, the folders will only be searched if they match one of the following names (including wildcards): `inc*`, `source`, `src`, `*priv*`. If you wish to add additional
    qualifying names, you may do so by setting the 
expert preference with a comma-delimited list of folder name patterns:

`defaults write com.barebones.bbedit CounterpartSiblingSearchNames -string "foo*, bar, *mumble*, wumpus"`

    Any whitespace surrounding names is stripped.

-   [210560] App state restoration has an indeterminate progress
    dialog, hopefully hinting that "No, we're not hung; we're busy".


-   [205676] Fixed a hang which could occur if a codeless language
    module had a grep pattern that returned a 0-length match.

-   [172700] Disable the Replace All command if "Selected text only"
    is checked, and the target view has a rectangular selection.

-   Disable all the Find buttons if the search string is empty.

-   [173731] Clicks in the text view while the completion panel is
    displayed both dismiss the completion, and move the insertion

-   [179938] Zip browsers' nodes are sorted alphabetically, not by
    pack date.

-   [193678] Changes to the File Filters are reflected immediately
    in Project Windows.

-   [193725] Shift Right only adds whitespace to lines that contain
    non-whitespace characters.

-   [197438] Changed case of and added a couple additional values
    for PHP ENT* attribute completions.

-   [200746] Fixed a bug which caused the functions popup (and
    floater) to display callouts regardless of the preference setting.

-   [201478] "Use Selection for Replace" with an empty selection
    clears the replace string.

*   [247858] Fixed case in which using "Replace" or "Replace & Find"
    in the Find window would replace the entire contents of the
    document with the replacement string, in specific cases involving
    a zero-length Grep match and the document not having a selection

*   [213299] If a remembered window was full screen when quitting,
    it is restored to that state when starting up.

-   When restoring application state which includes a zip browser,
    we open a zip browser instead of a disk browser to the parent

*   [186636] When saving a new untitled document, we now make an
    attempt to pick a reasonable default directory for the save
    panel, when a disk browser or instaproject is immediately behind
    the document's window.

- [208103] Auto-folds can be collapsed from either start or end indicators.

-   [210410] When saving a file with "Save a Copy" we attempt to
    create the copy with same permissions as the original file.

*   [NFR] Fixed a bug which prevented the toolbar's soft wrap menu
    from displaying the actual character count being used.

*   [NFR] Fixed bug in which "Open Selection" for a partial path did
    not correctly locate and open the indicated file.

*   [NFR] Fixed bug in which "simulated" button clicks (in response
    to a key press) didn't properly unhighlight the button.

*   [NFR] Quieted Quickdraw warnings which would occur when moving
    focus into/out of the Live Search box.

-   [NFR] [253061] Restored code which handled
    file-suffix-to-clipping-set-suffix mappings.

*   [NFR] [253189] Fixed drawing state of source list view in the
    Multi-File Search window.

*   [NFR] [253185] Adjusted fitment of left-hand edge of the
    horizontal scrollbar in editing views when the gutter and line
    bar were both turned off.

*   [NFR] Fixed the round-corner glitch in the About box.

*   [NFR] Fixed mismanagement of timers in the progress dialog
    controller, which would lead to leaked controller instances.


The package can be downloaded from our web server:



Rich Siegel                                 Bare Bones Software, Inc.
<>                      <>

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