On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 5:06 PM, John Delacour <johndelac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I’m afraid I find AppleScript impossibly verbose for this kind of simple
> text munging.  I don’t know what your docs look like but, supposing each
> link is on a separate line, then the Perl script below, saved as a text
> filter, will change all the asterisks to the appropriate number.  If not,
> then the script can almost certainly be modified to do the job, however the
> doc is laid out.  This script presumes that the docs have UNIX line endings.
> If they don’t then again it can easily be modified.  If you post a snippet
> from a typical doc then it will only take a few moments to write a working
> filter

Thanks, John! I've never learned any perl, so I can't really parse
what your script is doing, but it's not doing quite what I need. Take
a look at these two files for a before and after view:




Basically, for the first Markdown source/destination pair (the source
in the text, the destination with a URL after the paragraph), the
asterisks need to be replace by 1, and then for the next pair, 2, and
so on, sequentially.

cheers... -Adam

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