I'm a newbie at using BBedit for any coding. I'm kind of curious with 
regards to code completion.
If I create a python file and type 'for' I receive a code completion 
suggestion containing 2 'for'. One is the for clipping i created in the 
Python clipping folder. The other for is from the Django clipping folder 
that I downloaded and which is in the clipping folder but not the python 
Strangely when I look under the clippings menu - change set -  there is an 
item called Python-Django.py but if I go to to the clippings folder it 
contains no such folder.

My questions is - why does the both 'for' clippings pop up when I have I 
have chosen Python as the set and not Django, and secondly why is there a 
Python-Django.py set in my clippings set menu choice despite there not 
being such a folder in the clippings folder?

Does one have to make any particular settings to get bbedit to play nicely 
with python?


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