On 21 Feb 2014, at 02:15, Oliver Taylor <olivertay...@me.com> wrote:

> On Feb 20, 2014, at 5:25 PM, David Donachie <stran...@teuton.org> wrote:
>> I use a lot of projects where the files are all hosted on a server via SFTP. 
>> To make a new one I have to open an SFTP browser, create the file on the 
>> server, then drag that file into the project, then open it again in the 
>> editor. Is there a better way? Can I save the SFTP details in the project 
>> somehow and make new files automatically (or even better, track files added 
>> from elsewhere)?
> BBEdit projects are just collections of local files. The only SFTP tools 
> BBEdit Projects have are for deploying your local copy of a website to a 
> remote server - see pg 217 of the User Manual. Working directly with remote 
> files inside a project would be better/easier with something like Coda 
> <panic.com>.
> Personally, I very much enjoy having a local copy of by site on my laptop 
> that I can edit and test any time, then once everything is worked-out I just 
> deploy the changes to the live server. There are a lot (and I mean a lot) of 
> great tools for this kind of workflow. If you need help setting this up I can 
> point you in the right direction.


Thanks for that, but I'm working on an integrated PHP/HTML/MySQL site which I 
really don't want to have to replicate on my laptop just so that I can edit it 
in that sort of mode. You might well be right that I am just using the wrong 
tool, though I've used BBEdit + Fetch for this sort of thing for years. I'm not 
surprised that there is no way to do what I want more easily, it's clearly not 
the workflow the BBEdit designers were intending.

I'll take a look at Coda.


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