On May 12, 2014, at 14:30, Lewis Kirk <goo...@dmzgraphics.com> wrote:
> Here's a little Applescript snippet that works in BBEdit:
> ...
> Don't know if it works in anything else.

Hey Lewis,

BBEdit's AppleScript syntax is BBEdit-specific, but it will most often work in 
TextWrangler by simply changing to tell application "TextWrangler".  (Except 
when a function that's available in BBEdit isn't available in TextWrangler.)

Here's a turnkey snippet for Lee's task:

tell application "BBEdit"
  tell front text window
    replace ".*(GET /public/search/\\?q=(\\w|\\+|\\.|-)+).*" using "\\1" 
options {search mode:grep, case sensitive:false, starting at top:true}
  end tell
end tell

Unlike the Perl filter I posted it will leave lines that don't match the 
regular expression intact.

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