Hmmm… I don't care how this would work. Sigil can do that and MultiMarkdown 
Composer as well. And probably they are not the only ones. So… why not the 
glorious BBEdit, the Text's application we love (I love, at least)?!?
So I care that editing a long document is a pain to get to line you want in 
Preview window :-(
If not "live" scrolling (as MultiMardown Composer) at least a "jumping to 
line" (as Sigil).

Il giorno martedì 7 ottobre 2014 11:27:04 UTC+2, Dave ha scritto:
> I'm mildly curious as to how this would work, since lines in display have 
> nothing to do with lines in the source code. Even if you're careful to put 
> returns between block elements you can never be sure what is or isn't a 
> block element without considering stylesheets.
> On Monday, October 6, 2014 1:17:21 AM UTC-4, Stefano wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In fact the more you get, the more you want, everybody knows. In any 
>> case, especially dealing with some (long) html file with a prevalence of 
>> text content (I'm thinking epub ...) it would be really useful to scroll 
>> the html source coupled to scroll of the Preview.
>> Sigil with all its shortcomings, has this feature and needless to say a 
>> really handy feature.
>> If not bi-directional, which is perhaps too much to ask, at least the 
>> scroll of the source scrolls in parallel the BBEdit Preview.
>> So I hope one day...
>> Best,
>> Stefano

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