
> On 27 Oct 2014, at 21:12, Rich Siegel <sie...@barebones.com> wrote:
> You'll have to ask the Emmet implementors to do it. They will tell you in 
> reply that BBEdit doesn't support the plug-in features that they need, to 
> which I say that they should be encouraged to look at the dialog front-ends 
> for text filters  that got introduced in 11.0 (and you can point them here: 
> <http://www.barebones.com/support/technotes/filter-dialogs.html>). If they 
> want to make an effort to work with what the app has to offer, we are happy 
> to answer any specific questions they may have. :-)

I have a question. Just for future reference I’m trying the instructions, you 
never know when this may prove useful (my latex tools could use an update…)

The user interface in Xcode 6 is shuffled around enough so that I can’t seem to 
find how to add a referencing outlet to the window. I’m struggling at the step 
“The window should have its delegate and window properties both bound to the 
File's Owner”, as it seems I can’t add a referencing outlet for ‘window’.

The argument behaviour handling is nice, however, I wonder what “String values 
(including file name paths) are not escaped or quoted in any way” means in 
practice. How do you call the script internally? Do string arguments with 
spaces end up in separate arguments from the point of view of the script? 
Adding the quoting would be nice as a future addition. (I was trying to answer 
these questions, but alas).



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