On Nov 01, 2014, at 11:56, jgill <joegillespie2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using an AppleScript to generate a web page which needs to be saved to a 
> specific local folder. I can't figure out how to access BBEdit's "Save as..." 
> operation.

Hey Joe,

There's not a save-as command per se.

Are you saving an unsaved document?

Are you saving a previously saved document to a new location?

What exactly are you doing?

An unsaved document is easy to handle:

set destFolderPath to path to downloads folder as text # HFS path.
set newFileName to "A Test File.html"
set savePath to destFolderPath & newFileName

tell application "BBEdit"
  tell front text document
    save to savePath
  end tell
end tell

If you're dealing with a previously saved file then the story is a bit 
different.  Handling that improperly can cause you to lose data in the original 
file if it's unsaved.

Here's one way to deal with that:

set destFolderPath to POSIX path of (path to downloads folder as text)
set newFileName to "A Test File.html"
set savePath to quoted form of (destFolderPath & newFileName)

tell application "BBEdit"
  tell front text document
    if on disk = true then
      if modified of its window = true then
      end if
      set _file to quoted form of (POSIX path of (get its file))
      tell AppleScript
        do shell script "cp " & _file & " " & savePath
      end tell
    end if
  end tell
end tell

I've used the shell, since I can copy and rename the file in one operation.

If I wanted to be safer I could copy the file with the Finder and then rename 
it.  The Finder will balk if there is an existing file.

Or I could deliberately check to see if there's going to be a collision and 
throw an error.

Or I could duplicate the document in BBEdit and use the first method to save it.

It really depends upon what you need to be done.

Best Regards,

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