Here's a working example:

set myText to "1. What's New with Joomla! 3 Templates 12m 9s\nInstalling the starting state exercise files 6m 17s\nExploring template changes in Joomla! 3 2m 11s\nDiscussing CSS and LESS 3m 41s\n\n2. Creating the HTML Starting File 33m 13s\nReviewing the graphic designs 3m 0s\nUnderstanding Joomla! template file structures 5m 22s\nConfiguring a Dreamweaver site and populating it with Bootstrap CSS 9m 48s\nBuilding the grid 10m 11s\nAdding the Google font 2m 50s\nAdding a custom style sheet 2m 2s\n"

--But you'd probably capture it with a selection. This script assumes that the first line will be a valid first chapter starting with an integer, and that none of the subsections already starts with a number.

set myNewTextList to {}

repeat with myItem in paragraphs of myText
    tell myItem
        if (count words) > 0 then
set myNumber to word 1 as integer --If this fails, nothing else up to the "on error" executes.
                set myNumberString to word 1
                set myIncrement to 0
                set end of myNewTextList to myItem & "\r"
            on error
                set myIncrement to myIncrement + 1
                if myIncrement < 10 then
set mySubIncrementString to ".0" & (myIncrement as string) & " "
set mySubIncrementString to "." & (myIncrement as string) & " "
                end if
                set myNewIncrement to myNumberString & mySubIncrementString
                set end of myNewTextList to myNewIncrement & myItem & "\r"
            end try
            set end of myNewTextList to "\r"
        end if
    end tell
end repeat
set myText to myNewTextList as string
return myText

On 12/14/14 9:57 PM, Rick Gordon wrote:
To my knowledge, you could not do this with regex alone, but it would be easy to do in any scripting language. (I'd use AppleScript, but only because I know it reasonably well, so it's my go-to language.) But it should be easy in Perl, Python, or any of the other likely options, as well.

Rick Gordon

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