On Mar 02, 2015, at 21:32, Jared Roller <simonat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yep, I think the most intuitive route for me would be for the replacement 
> patterns to work with the new Extract button in 'Find and Replace'.

Hey Jared,

I think your idea merits a feature request.  If you have not done so already 
please send one to Bare Bones Software <supp...@barebones.com>.

And make your case.  Don't just write up the request - tell/show them WHY it 
would add value to BBEdit.

Keep in mind though that much is possible once you learn a bit about 
AppleScript and shell scripting.

#! /usr/bin/env bash

osascript -s o -e 'tell application "BBEdit" to return text of front text 
window' | tr '\r' '\n' \
| perl -wlne 'if ( m!(http://\S+).*(by Shane.+)!ims ) { print "$1\t$2" }';

This extracts the text from the front document and prints (to a window) a 
report of the items found by the perl regex using only the specific captures.

This particular code only operates on a per-line basis, but it is possible to 
match multiple line patterns.

When it comes to extracting text I generally prefer to use the Satimage.osax 
(AppleScript Extension), because it's easier to manage complex multiple line 

A very simple example:

tell application "BBEdit"
  tell text of front text window to set _text to it
end tell
set foundText to find text "(?im)(^detect.+^detect[^\\r]+)" in _text using 
"\\1" with regexp, all occurrences and string result
tell application "BBEdit"
  make new document with properties {name:"Text Extraction - Unsaved", 
end tell

Much of this can also be done with BBEdit's own AppleScript dictionary.

So what you want to do can be done NOW without a whole lot of learning on your 

It's not as simple as pushing the {Extract} button, but it's pretty easy - 
especially if you keep a boilerplate script handy.

Best Regards,

This is the BBEdit Talk public discussion group. If you have a 
feature request or would like to report a problem, please email
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