This is probably something I should already know but ...

I use BBEdit for a lot of different stuff and I've noticed that I like
different settings depending on what I'm doing, for example: if I'm writing
documents (in markdown or latex) I like a larger font size and also a
different font, if I'm writing code then I like a smaller font size and a
"standard" font, etc.

Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to quickly change the settings so
I usually use single setting.

My question: is there a simple way to change font, font-size, color scheme
that is better than an applescript? (and how to change color scheme using

*tell* *application* "BBEdit"

*tell* *window* 1

*set* display font *to* "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"

*set* display font size *to* 15

*set* display font style *to* *italic* -- This doesn't seem to work

*get* display font style -- results in "missing value"

*end* *tell*

*end* *tell*

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